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College Level Insight

Use Your Real Name

Twitter can be used to bring yourself exposure in the recruiting world so use it for an advantage. Make sure that coaches can find you with your name. Make it easier for them to locate you.

Do Your Research

It is important that you dont waste time when search for a college home. You need to put your attention into the programs that want you and not those that are not showing major interest.

It Goes By Faster Than You Think

When you first enter high school or college, It seems like it will last forever but when you look up, its time to graduate and move on so make sure to not take it for granted. Take advantage of every moment.

Dumb Questions About Recruiting

You want to ask meaningful questions to a coach because they have limited time and they are recruiting a number of individuals. So there is such thing as dumb questions.

Contacting College Coaches
When They Doubt Your Ability

The first thing you need to know about contacting college coaches is to reach out to the programs that your talent fit. Everyone talks about DI is your film at that level. Dont waste time going after schools that have not shown interest in you.

Put the energy into the things that matter when you are trying to be recruited. Stop focusing on the things you cant control

You Need To Look Like A Guy

You have to get your body right. Start to put on weight and take strength and conditioning serious. You need too look like a guy

Make Sure Coaches Can Find You

Make it easy for a coach to know who you are in your social media bio. It's certainly important if you dont live in a region that is havenly recruited.

Why Is The Weight Room Important

The weight room will tke your game to the next level. A combination of the weight room and speed work will make you a stand out

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